Welcome Remark

Assalamua'laikum and Greetings!
On behalf of the Malaysian Society for Environmental Epidemiology (MySEE), we cordially would like to invite you to MySEE Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Climate Change & Public Health with the theme, "Resilience to climate change impact, Together we can do better" to be held virtually on 16 & 17 March 2022. We welcome everyone to join as participants, oral or poster presenters in this conference. Registration & abstract submission start from 15 January 2022. Looking forward to see you there. Thank you
Best Regards,
Professor Dr Mazrura Sahani
MySEE Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Climate Change & Public Health 2022
Useful Links
Important Dates
Any Question?
This is the Conference Program where you can find plenary, symposiums and free papers timetable. Click the link to download a copy of the program and look for the topic of your interest
This is the main document for online registration. Our dedicated registration team will try our best to make sure your registration a breeze
This is the conference abstract booklet. Please download the booklet to know the speakers and abstracts of the presentations
This is importants dates of the conference that you have to remember. Don't missed any of them!
Abstract submission : CLOSED
Closing date for registration : 14 March 2022
Conference date: 16-17 March 2022